Scientific production
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A.F. Hernández Jerez
"Integration of epidemiology with other lines of scientific evidence into pesticide risk assessment", "Exposure and risk assessment of pesticide use in agriculture. Approaches, tools, and advances", 173-196, 2021
J.A. Lorente Acosta, C. Haarkötter Cardoso, M. Saiz Guinaldo, M.I. Medina-Lozano, X. Gálvez-Escolano, M.J. Alvarez Cubero, L.J. Martínez González, B. Lorente-Remon
J.C. Álvarez Merino,
"The Role of DNA Profiling in Landscape of Human Migration", "Handbook of DNA Profiling", 1-16, 2021
G.A. Kontadakis, A. Plaka, D. Fragou, A.F. Hernández Jerez, G.D. Kymionis
A.M. Tsatsakis,
"Ocular Biomarkers in Diseases and Toxicities", "Biomarkers in Toxicology", 375-383, 2019
A.F. Hernández Jerez, A.M. Tsatsakis
G.A. Kontadakis,
"Biomarkers of Ototoxicity", "Biomarkers in Toxicology", 385-399, 2019
A.F. Hernández Jerez, F. Gil Hernández
A.M. Tsatsakis,
"Biomarkers of chemical mixture toxicity", "Biomarkers in Toxicology", 569-586, 2019
L. Rodrigo Conde-Salazar
J.A. Gisbert-Calabuig,
"INTOXICACIÓN POR ALCALOIDES", "Gisbert Calabuig. Medicina legal y Toxicología, 7ed.", 987-994, 2018
J.A. Lorente Acosta, B. Martínez-Jarreta
F. Gil Hernández,
"Diagnóstico genético en medicina del trabajo: aplicación preventiva de los análisis genéticos", "Tratado de Medicina del Trabajo", 845-854, 2018
F. Gil Hernández
J.A. Gisbert-Calabuig,
"Intoxicaciones por otros metales", "Medicina legal y toxicología.", 1055-1071, 2018
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024